هنئة             بمناسبة حلول شهر رمضان المبارك تتقدم ادارة الجمعية الوطنية اليمنية الأمريكية للخدمات الاجتماعية والتوجيه والإرشاد النفسي والأسري والاجتماعي   NAYA BHHS  من ابناء الجالية الكريمة باحر التهاني والتبريكات بمناسبة حلول الشهر الفضيل سائلين المولى عز ان...
NAYA BHHS at the Muslim Foster Care Association (MFCA)

NAYA BHHS at the Muslim Foster Care Association (MFCA)

NAYA BHHS was proud to attend and support the Muslim Foster Care Association (MFCA) at it’s Annual Banquet on Sunday, October 13. We look forward to a continued relationship with MFCA supporting their efforts to support and promote the health and safety of...
NAYA at Southend Community Healthcare

NAYA at Southend Community Healthcare

NAYA BHHS is looking forward to meeting community members at the 2nd Annual Southend Health Fair, Saturday, August 31st from 11am – 4pm at The American Moslem Society, 9945 Vernor Highway, Dearborn,...
English As a Second Language Classes( ESL)

English As a Second Language Classes( ESL)

English As a Second Language Classes( ESL)   Classes will start the week of September 25th and run until the week of December 18th. To register for our free classes, complete the registration form by scanning the QR code below or go to the following link...